International Center for Training and Research in Neuro-linguistics
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What is the eye pattern chart?
If you are right-handed, you may have noticed the following (for people who are left handed, interchange left and right in the following text):
Vc = Visual Constructed - eyes up and to your right. This is a question about something you have seen before and hence you remembered it
Vr = Visual Remembered - eyes up and to your left. This is a question about something that I assume you have not seen before and hence you constructed this picture
Ac = Auditory Constructed - eyes on the horizontal plane to your right. This is a question about something you have not heard before
Ar = Auditory Remembered - eyes on the horizontal plane to your left. This is a question about something you have heard before
K = Kinesthetic - eyes down and to the right. This is a question about your feelings
Ad = Auditory Digital - eyes down and to the left. This is a question about your self talk