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What is the 6 step reframe?

Bandler and Grinder developed the six step reframe technique from their study of Milton Erickson (ideomotor signals) and Virginia Satir‘s work with parts.

The 6 Steps

#1 Identify a behaviour that is causing you trouble. There might be something you want to do but something stops you or there is something you don’t want to do but still end up doing.

#2 Establish communication with the part that triggers this behaviour. Go inside now and ask for that resistant part of you to reveal itself. Ask if it would be willing to communicate consciously. This communication might be a sensation somewhere in their/your body, a picture, voice or sound. When you get a signal, first thank the part for responding.

#3 Discover the positive intent of that part. Ask the part if it is willing to reveal its positive intent to conscious awareness. Trust that the answer will come, and be willing to wait for a yes or a no. Ask the part “What do you want? What positive thing are you trying to do for me? The key here is to recognize the difference between the parts intention and the way it is going about getting it.

#4 Access creative resources. Ask the part to communicate internally with the other parts of your

mind to find new behaviors and ways of achieving the positive purpose. Ask your creative

center to come up with 3 alternatives to present back to that part. These must be 3 new ideas,

different than what you have tried before. When you feel that these ideas will really work,

then communicate them to this part.

#5 Have the part evaluate these new choices, whether it accepts it or not, whether they are better

than the previous choices. If the alternatives are not acceptable, look again for new choices.

#6 Check for objections with other parts with an ecology check and future pacing. When we

change behaviours, we can affect other people and aspects of ourselves.

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