International Center for Training and Research in Neuro-linguistics
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What are the steps involved in the modeling process?
Determine which experts and which contexts in which they are to apply the ability you want to model.
Determine the appropriate procedure for gathering information in the corresponding contexts - from different perceptual positions. Start from intuitive insights in the second position, then try to reach the same results in your own first position. Take a third position and pay attention to how your way of reaching your goal differs from that of the modeled person.
Filter the results of information gathering for relevant cognitive patterns and behaviors. Organize the patterns into a logical, coherent structure or "model".
Test the effectiveness / usefulness of the model you have constructed by trying it out in different contexts and situations and make sure that you get the results you want.
Reduce the model to the simplest and most elegant form that will produce the desired results.
Find the best practices to teach or "install" the explicit skills identified in the modeling process.
Determine which the most appropriate instruments for measuring the model's results are and find out the limits or range for the validity of the model.