International Center for Training and Research in Neuro-linguistics
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What are some of the basic conditions for well formed outcomes?
Generally in NLP a well-formed outcome is one that ideally meets the following basic conditions:
Be stated in the positive (that is,what you want, rather than what you don't want), see Positive and negative (NLP)
Be capable of representation in the sensory systems (tangible rather than theoretical or conceptual: able in principle to be evidenced through the senses when attained. Thus, seen, heard or felt)
Be possible and achievable.
Have all the resources (people, psychophysiological states, time, capital, equipment, or material) required or accessible.
Have a defined time frame.
Be ecological in having consideration for costs and consequences for oneself and others affected.
These criteria for a wish to be considered "well formed" are known as the well-formedness conditions.