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What are the 5 core techniques?

Following are the five core techniques used in psychodrama:

  • Soliloquy

Soliloquy is a technique brought by Moreno directly from the field of classic theatre. It is used because of its purpose to be cathartic and it results in knowing oneself. The aim of this technique is for the individual to externalise their hidden feelings, thoughts and reveal deeper levels of the interpersonal world. It allows correcting any misinterpretation of the scene and provides the therapist with insight to the patient's thoughts.

  • Mirror

The purpose of this technique is to promote awareness of the patient and their behaviour in different situations. It is used when the patient does not perceive their behaviour, and the image they transmit to others differs from the image they have for themselves.

  • Role reversal

Role reversal is one of the foundations of Moreno‘s therapy. The client is asked to portray another person while a second actor portrays the client in the particular scene. This not only prompts the client to think as the other person, but also has some of the benefits of mirroring, as the client sees him- or herself as portrayed by the second actor.

  • Resistance interpolation

The therapist asks the auxiliary ego to act in a completely different way than what the protagonist would expect.

  • Double

The job of the ‘double’ is to make conscious any thoughts or feelings that another person is unable to express whether it is because of shyness, guilt, inhibition, politeness, fear, anger, etc. In many cases the person is unaware of these thoughts or at least is unable to form the words to express how they are feeling.  Therefore, the ‘double’ attempts to make conscious and give form to the unconscious and/or under expressed material. The person being doubled has the full right to disown any of the ‘double’s’ statements and to correct them as necessary. In this way, doubling itself can never be wrong.

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